The Next Frontier In Office Space? The Outdoors

More and more companies are finding ways to incorporate the outdoors into the workday

Maybe your boss is making you come back to the office, and maybe the commute sucks, but on the plus side, more offices are warming up to the idea of outdoor workspaces these days ― and they are getting a thumbs-up from employees.

Commenting on trends in office design and furnishings, Rodney Lover of London’s Lovers atWork Office Furniture noted, “One area of substantial growth for us is outdoor furniture. If you can get a Wi-Fi signal, sit out with your laptop, why not? We enjoy such a beautiful country ― everybody likes to get out to the grass or hear some birds.”

The outdoor office had an obvious appeal during the height of the pandemic, when it represented an easy way to improve the air quality. But post-pandemic, will the outdoor workspace trend carry on?

“Just because the outdoor office is relatively new on the scene doesn’t mean it’s not here to stay,” reads a piece by the commercial real estate firm NAI Significa. “The sudden burst in popularity and interest is likely in response to a need felt by many office tenants and commercial real estate developers ― especially those working in temperate climates. The industry has been steadily moving closer to nature and the outdoor office boom represents the next big step.”

It’s not quite as simple as throwing a table down on a patio, though. Outdoor workspaces, like indoor ones, need to be designed smartly. One primary box to check is to make sure it’s in a cooler, shady area. “Direct sunlight on your laptop screen causes glare, which makes it maddeningly difficult to see your display. In turn, that can cause eyestrain, leading to headaches and reduced productivity,” reads a guide from Wirecutter. “Sunlight can also make your laptop overheat, which reduces its battery life and throttles performance.”

When done right, there can be a big payoff for your mental wellbeing. Even a short outdoor work session can boost your mood (and productivity), get your day back on track or just put a nicer shine on returning to the office.

“It’s invigorating,” said Mike Piispanen, an executive at Validity. “I think back to the time when I was a little kid and in the spring the teacher would say let’s have class outside today and it would be the best day ever. It gives you the boost you need.”

Content written by Kieran Delamont for Worklife, a partnership between Ahria Consulting and London Inc. To view this content in newsletter form, click here.

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